TECHNIQUE: when performing the barbell front squat creating a strong front rack position is key. The bar should rest completely on your shoulders and your elbows should be high. Keep your torso tight and keep your knees out wide. ADVANTAGES: The Barbell Front Squat is key for building core and quads, and is incredibly versatile since it doesn't require a rack. It also works great in complexes. FAULTS: the barbell front squat is an incredibly complex movement. Controlling the anterior pelvic tilt (affectionately called the "butt wink" is key.) Maintaining a neutral thoracic spine throughout the movement is very important. Don't attempt to hold the bar, use your shoulder to hold the bar. SCALING: If your shoulder mobility does not allow you hold the bar correctly, you can use a safety squat bar or dumbbells instead. The back squat isn't a good scaling since that movement is more posterior chain. HOME: ONLINE TRAINING: EXERCISE DATABASE: PERSONAL TRAINING