KettleBell - One Arm Side Swing

submitted by sandsteelpaul on 08/26/17 1

TECHNIQUE: Place a kettlebell on the outside of your right foot with a slightly narrow stance. Hinge and squat to get into position to grab the kettlebell while keeping your shoulders higher than your hips. Maintaining a long spine and big chest snap your hips and launch the kettlebell out to your left side. Once fully standing downswing the kettlebell back across your body while hinging to avoid hitting your knees. Repeat. ADVANTAGES: This is a great move to strengthen the transversus abdominis and build rotational power within the core. FAULTS: Rotating too much at the bottom of the swing. There will be a slight rotation but you still want to keep a big chest to avoid rounding or overly rotating. SCALING: Simply scale this exercise by moving up and down in weight. You need to have an adequate amount of strength in your transversus abdominis before attempting and you can build that with exercises like the Pallof Press, Cable Twists & Medicine Ball Side Tosses. ONLINE TRAINING: EXERCISE DATABASE: PERSONAL TRAINING

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