Kettlebell - Marx Row

submitted by sandsteelpaul on 08/24/17 1

TECHNIQUE: Feet are hip width apart with weight in the heel and mid food. Use your front leg to hinge back into a single leg deadlift position. Make sure the hips, spine and neck are all neutral. With a retracted shoulder and braced core drive the kettle bell up to your side with your lat. Maintain core and lat activation as you lower the bell. ADVANTAGES: The Marx row is great for combining core, hips, and shoulders. A considerable amount of mental focus, stability and strength is required to successfully perform the exercise. FAULTS: Common faults include pelvis rotation (lateral pelvis shift) , shoulder hanging (deactivated rotator cuff muscles) and moving the body to create momentum. SCALING: This movement can be scaled down to a bent over row which requires less control of the pelvis and hips. The exercise can be scaled up by performing a high row. ONLINE TRAINING: EXERCISE DATABASE: PERSONAL TRAINING

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