Bosu - Air Squat

submitted by sandsteelpaul on 08/24/17 1

TECHNIQUE: Place both feet on close to the outside edge of the Bosu. Use your core and balance to stabilize the Bosu as much as possible. Maintain active arches in your feet and begin with a neutral pelvis. Using your core and legs, hinge back into your hips. When you come out of the bottom of the squat, maintain your chest up and lead with the hips first. ADVANTAGES: This Bosu air squat variation requires a tremendous amount of core, balance, focus, and stability. The movement will improve stabilizers in the legs, pelvis and core. FAULTS: Common faults include pelvis rotation (lack of core engagement) , BOSU leans to one side (inability to stabilize the BOSU with muscles), Ankles turn out from the body (in ability to hold arch in the feet. SCALING: Movement can be scaled by flipping the Bosu with the ball on top. This will make the exercise less challenging at the surface area is much more stable. WORKOUT: ONLINE TRAINING: EXERCISE DATABASE: PERSONAL TRAINING

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