TECHNIQUE: Align your hips and spine into a straight line. Using the front foot as an anchor, place your elbow on top of your knee. Back leg should be straight with knees underneath toes. With core engaged, shoulder retracted, engage your lats to drive the kettlebell up to your side. Continue to brace your core, shoulder and lat as you lower the bell back down. ADVANTAGES: This Kettlebell movement is great for building core and lat engagement in a compound exercise. The front foot as anchor provides stability the same way a bench would. FAULTS: Commons faults for this movement include no lat engagement (pull with biceps) , core not engaged (spinal misalignment) , crow neck ( cervical extension). SCALING: Movement can be scaled down to bench row if the stability can not be maintained in the lunge. Movement can be progressed to bent over row for more core tension. ONLINE TRAINING: EXERCISE DATABASE: PERSONAL TRAINING