Kettlebell - Double Kettlebell Stiff Leg Deadlift

submitted by sandsteelpaul on 08/21/17 1

TECHNIQUE: To start the exercise, conventionally deadlift the two kettles to hip height. Bring your feet closer close together. As you keep the core engaged, glutes active, shoulders retracted, and chest up, maintain stiff legs as you hinge the load into your posterior chain. (hamstrings & glutes.) Maintain active core, glutes, shoulders and chest up as you drive out the eccentric phase of the movement. ADVANTAGES: This move is an effective exercise for targeting the posterior chain while building core strength. The movement allows for muscles to work together in a compound exercise building motor control and strength. FAULTS: Common faults include, low back flexion (release of the core) , Knees tracking forward ( poor hamstring engagement) shoulders fall forward (deactivated scapular retraction) SCALING: Movement can be scaled to a Romanian deadlift if the person lacks the hamstring mobility to go past the knees. The exercise can also be done with a unweighted pvc pipe to build hamstring, shoulder, core and hip engagement. ONLINE TRAINING: EXERCISE DATABASE: PERSONAL TRAINING

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