Barbell - Clean and Press

submitted by sandsteelpaul on 07/25/17 1

TECHNIQUE: the clean and press is a complex movement involving a first pull from the floor. You pull the bar up onto your hips. The second pull moves the bar up onto your shoulders into the front rack while lowering your body into a squat. From there, you adjust your wrists and pull your hands under the bar and press from your hips through your shoulders to bring the bar up overhead. ADVANTAGES: improves athleticism and burns a high volume of calories per minute FAULTS: There are many potential faults for the clean and press. You need a flat back on the starting position and your shoulders over the bar. Your feet shoulder be hip-width apart, your weight in your heals, and your toes pointing forwards. You should be holding the bar with a hook grip. Make sure you bring the bar as close to your body as possible and pull the bar into a float using your shoulders and hips. Don't move the bar away from your body (e.g. a reverse curl.) When you catch the bar, make sure your elbows are high and you catch with your shoulders (not your hands.) SCALING: There are many skill drills for practicing various parts of the clean and press. For the clean, one could work drills such as the Frankenstein cleans, front squats, high pulls, halting deadlifts, etc.

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