How to Take a Snapshot on VMware Fusion 12 in Mac/macOS | SYSNETTECH Solutions

submitted by tolqabaqci on 12/04/21 1

This video tutorial shows you how to take a snapshot of the guest operating system you are running in a virtual machine you set up with VMware Fusion 12 Pro on an Apple Mac computer. ✅ S U B S C R I B E ► ✅ Article ► Running Windows 10 Guest Machine: 0:00 Taking a Snapshot for Windows 10 VM: 2:05 Creating New Folders on Desktop: 5:38 Restoring Snapshot: 6:10 Deleting Snapshot: 7:10 Virtual machine backup methods are also available in the Fusion virtualization software developed by VMware for the #macOS operating system. You can perform a quick and easy backup using the #snapshot feature in a virtual machine on your Mac. After the snapshot you have created, you can undo all the operations on your guest system with a single click. Thus, in software testing or development, you can quickly revert your system to the previous state without the need to reinstall an operating system. Step 1: If you haven't installed #Fusion software on your Mac before, you can watch the video tutorial below. ➦ Step 2: After installing the Fusion software on your system, install Windows 10 on a new virtual machine by watching the video tutorial below in the same way. ➦ Step 3: After running the Windows 10 guest machine, click the Snapshots icon or Virtual Machine / Snapshots from the Fusion tool menu. Step 4: Since you installed a clean Windows 10, there will be no files or programs on your system. That's why you need to make a clean back up after the first installation. In the Snapshots window, right-click / Take Snapshot on the current state of your system. Step 5: In the window that opens, type a name and description for your system back up and click Take. Step 6: Wait while the snapshot is taken for your virtual machine in Fusion. Step 7: After backing up your virtual computer, create new documents on the desktop or install a program you want to use. Step 8: After making changes to your system, open the Snapshots window and right-click / Restore Snapshot on the backup you have taken to load the clean installation back up again. Step 9: When your guest system is restored from the snapshot in a short time, your system will now be restored to its initial setup. ───────────────RELATED VIDEOS─────────────── ➊ How to Install Windows 2000 ➦ ➋ How to Install Windows 95 ➦ ➌ How to Install Windows XP ➦ ➍ How to Install Windows 98 FE ➦ ➎ How to Install Windows 98 SE ➦ ───────────────FOLLOW US─────────────────── ✔ Facebook ➦ ✔ Twitter ➦ ✔ Pinterest ➦ ✔ Instagram ➦ ✔ LinkedIn ➦ ███████████████████████████████████████████

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