Abide #20: Doctrine and Covenants 129-132

submitted by jenniferb on 11/25/21 1

In today’s episode of “Abide: A Maxwell Institute Podcast,” we are studying four of Joseph Smith’s revelations. Three of them, Sections 129-131 are written in Joseph Smith’s own style, you can hear him teaching the Saints. This makes sense; they are quite literally teachings from Joseph Smith in both personal and public settings, compiled and made available to the Saints. They form a sort of super-cut of Joseph Smith’s teachings, like watching you a YouTube compilation of an athlete’s highlights that is made for quick absorption. Section 132 is a different matter entirely. It’s a revelation that is a sustained theological document that, at times, also reads like a legal document. The voice is the Lord’s, and it covers one topic at great length: celestial marriage. It’s a section that requires skill and care to unpack. There is much to gain, to be sure, but readers should always recognize that their comfort level with the revelation and its implications for individuals, families, and communities.

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