We've all heard of Jesus of Nazereth, but these people actually claim to BE HIM! Whether you're a believer or not, these are pretty wild claims. Does he walk among us? Subscribe for a new video ►► goo.gl/XFN9BN Source 10 - goo.gl/xyNA59 9 - goo.gl/tsS83U 8 - goo.gl/LQ8skG 7 - goo.gl/to6iB4 6 - goo.gl/AerhNF 5 - goo.gl/EcHxdK 4 - goo.gl/enErna 3 - goo.gl/6JMJ7Y 2 - goo.gl/eP1RHd 1 - goo.gl/PZ1FMy