Come Follow Me Insights (Doctrine and Covenants 124, Oct 25-31)

submitted by jenniferb on 11/01/21 1

We finally get into the Nauvoo period of the Church. Join with Taylor and Tyler this week as the dive into the longest section of the Doctrine and Covenants. See the faith of the early saints and Church leaders as they struggled through sickness, persecution, and trials to build the beautiful city of Nauvoo in Illinois. ____________________ *Download our free scripture study tool: *Sign up for our weekly emails to receive notifications and more Come, Follow Me resources: *Link: ____________________ Come Follow Me Insights is a production by Book of Mormon Central, edited and produced by Benjamin Griffin with assistance from Joshua Taylor. Video recordings and audio editing by Zander Sturgill. Video subtitles/transcripts by Carol Jones and timestamps by Tammy Hulse. Special Thanks to Taylor Halverson and Tyler Griffin for volunteering countless hours to make these videos a reality, and a very special thanks to Kiplin Griffin for content editing and review. ____________________ 0:00 Introduction. Two-year gap between D&C 123 and 124. Establishment of Nauvoo. Many Saints suffer with malaria during this time and are miraculously healed by Joseph Smith. 9:20 Nauvoo is given a city charter from the state of Illinois on December 6, 1840. In January of 1841, Joseph receives a spiritual charter for the city with building plans and administrative structure of the Church. 11:12 Joseph received a revelation about the different quorums of the church and how they can take a load off his shoulders. Compare to the story of Moses and how he learned to spread the responsibility for leadership across a wide base. 17:00 Temple work continues. Joseph teaches about baptism for the dead during the funeral of Seymour Brunson. The Saints show enthusiasm for this new ordinance and are given their agency to figure out how to apply it. 25:13 Verse 1 – “I am pleased with your offering and acknowledgements..." The Lord shows his wisdom through the weak things of the earth. 35:39 Verses 2-7 – Joseph is commanded to make a proclamation to all the kings of the world. The proclamation wasn’t written until after Joseph’s death. Many of the Lord’s purposes in our lives are fulfilled when we are working towards the end goal, even if it takes longer than we had originally thought. President Ezra Taft Benson read the Proclamation in the October 1975 General Conference – “A Message to the World”. 44:51 Verse 15. Hyrum Smith is loved by God “because of the integrity of his heart and he loveth that which is right.” 47:17 Verses 16-17. John C. Bennett rises to power quickly in Nauvoo and is elected Mayor. He fails to heed the counsel given by the Lord and later becomes a leader in stirring up the mob against Joseph Smith. 52:17 Verse 19. The Lord reassures Joseph that death is not the end. David W. Patten, Edward Partridge, and Joseph Smith, Sr. are all with God, even though they died earlier. 54:39 Verses 22-25. Instructions about building the Nauvoo House. 56:44 Verses 25-33. “Build a house to my name”. Temple becomes a connecting point between heaven and us. It is a place for God to dwell with us. Temples are built as physical structures. Our bodies are also temples when we take upon ourselves His name. The fulness of the priesthood is obtained in the ordinances of the temple. 1:02:14 Verses 40-41. What is the purpose of the temple? The temple is a connecting point between earth and heaven. It is a place for God to instruct us. In the Latter-day temples, the Lord will reveal “things which have been kept hid from before the foundation of the world, things that pertain to the dispensation of the fulness of times.” 1:08:22 The temple is a template or pattern for how God will work with us and how He makes the plan of salvation real in our lives. What are the patterns? How is He inviting us into this story of salvation? 1:13:00 Verse 91-130. William Law and Sidney Rigdon: counselors to Joseph. Hyrum Smith given the office of Patriarch. Other general and local officers of the church are named. Leaders of the church are given counsel and instruction. The power to lead and administer in the church is spread among many. 1:20:12 Conclusion. You don’t have to run faster than we have strength. Your life didn’t begin at birth. You have much to offer and much to acknowledge. Move forward in faith. Trust in the Lord. Give all you have even if it isn’t much. Be still and watch how amazing the Lord is when he multiplies your offering. ____________________ This channel may make use of copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. #BookofMormonCentral #ComeFollowMeInsights #SpreadLightAndGoodness

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