www.sacredspirit.de/ Sacred Spirit 2 - More Chants and Dances of Native America Beautiful Native American new age music and chants. Sacred Spirit, the bestselling musical project by Claus Zundel, Ralf Hamm and Markus Staab. For each single Sacred Spirit album sold, we made and still continue to make a donation to the Native American Rights Fund ( www.NARF.org ), the oldest and largest nonprofit law firm dedicated to asserting and defending the rights of Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide. Sacred Spirit II again successfully combines ancient Native American cermonial chants with modern instrumental arrangements through a cycle of CELEBRATION, WISDOM, REVERENCE, AND REBIRTH. The music focus on authentic vocal chants sung by Native American perfomers. SSII deliberately downplays specific song academia but rather allows the chants and arrangements to Affect the listener on a much more PERSONAL LEVEL--SOME THINGS ARE BETTER LEFT UNEXPLAINED www.amazon.com/Sacred-Spirit-Vol-Chants-Americans/dp/B00005176Y/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1199601503&sr=1-1