Eating Disorders Turn up the Light Reconciliation of Spirit and Body Doctrine and Covenants 88 | August 9-15 Lesson 33—August 8 “Establish . . . A House of God” #DoctrineandCovenants #comefollowme #comefollowme2021 #realtalkcomefollowme What is Jesus Christ like and why is He worth my worship? How do we turn up the light in our lives? Do you view your body as the enemy? Today’s touching episode is full of heart-wrenching topics. Ganel-Lyn and Scott talk about the life of Christ and His suffering, what it’s like when your spirit and body are at war, and how to turn up the light when your mental health is struggling. Invitation: Be grateful for your physical body. Say words of adoration for your body. Links to in-video references: You Are More Than Enough, You Are Magnificent | Ganel-Lyn Condie Links to Sweet Salt outfits: Lace Yoke Top