The Big Band Alumni

submitted by Big Band Alumni on 08/14/21 1

John­ny Vana, ban­dlead­er and per­cus­sion­ist ex­traor­di­naire (Glenn Miller, Har­ry James, Jim­my Dorsey, Ho­race Hei­dt, Bud­dy Mor­row) spear­heads a vir­tu­al who's who of the 40's, 50's and 60's Big Band Era. His 17 piece Or­ches­tra fea­tures leg­endary mu­si­cians with a cu­mu­la­tive per­form­ing ex­pe­ri­ence of over 1,000 years, on some of the biggest stages around the world. Bill Casil­li, Lar­ry "the Shark" Cov­el­li, Eth­mer Roten, John Se­tar, Dave, Pell, Lar­ry Douger­ty, Jack "Three Fin­gers" Red­mond, Jack Spur­lock, Bob Ga­le­ot­ti, Johnathan Gold­man, John Fick, Jack Feier­man, Fred Koyen, Howard "Hot­sy" Katz, Ron Her­shewe, Gor­don Bash with vo­cal­ists Bill A. Jones and Dina Bennett. These guys rock the house when they let loose. Check them out on www . van­abig­

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