video trailer of Cyborg Fatale - Francesca Fini personal Exhibition in Bologna CYBORG FATALE Francesca Fini personal exhibition Narkissos Contemporary Art Gallery, Bologna 1-28 February 2019 In 1991 the feminist Donna Haraway introduced the concept of cyborgs: a cross between human, animal and machine. In her Cyborg Manifesto, Haraway invites to review the consolidated social models and to move from the deep-rooted Western patriarchate to the dream of a genre-less civilization. In this utopian world we would gather together not for taxonomic characteristics but for affinity of spirit. Almost 30 years after the publication of the book, the art produced by women often undergoes a caging process aimed at shifting attention from the single work to the category of belonging. It's really like this? Is there a feminine art? And what about the radical cyberfeminist movement of the 1990s? Performer and video artist, Francesca Fini offers a careful cross-media analysis of the themes of bio-technological hybridization. From the feminine to the fluidity of the Cyborg, the videos and performances of the artist update Haraway's reflections, giving it new value and complexity. The body becomes an electric enzyme that catalyzes the processes for defining performative practices. On the occasion of ART CITY days, concurrently with Artefiera 2019, the calendar includes: • 1/02, h. 7-11 pm: OPENING & PERFORMANCE. During the vernissage the artist will propose SKIN / TONES, an unprecedented performance for the Bolognese public. • 2/02, h. 6-20 pm: TALK - VISIONARY ACTIONS: from performance art to video-performance, the great challenge of the film re-elaboration of a live-art work in the contemporary hybridization between body and media. • 3/02, h.6 pm: PROJECTION of the feature film HIPPOPOETESS (2018, 53') by Francesca Fini. • Finissage: PERFORMANCE: WITH AN HELMET - fair and lost. Free admission Via Fiorilli 10/2 Bologna (+39) 320 8298730 (+39) 333 4980986