'Faith, Works & Grace' - 3 Principles of the Spiritual Economy - How will Paul use them? - Is there relative truth? - Protestants, Catholics and Latter-Day-Saints Though the 'law' is the Law of Moses, there is always a Law of God. Though 'works' can be rituals, there is always obedience. Though 'grace' can be 'favor', there is always the Love of God. References: NT Wright- www.ntwrightpage.com Matthew Bates- www.amazon.com/Salvation-Allegiance-Alone-Rethinking-Gospel/dp/0801097975 Ben Spackman wrote the excellent blog post that I referred to. Here it is- www.patheos.com/blogs/benjaminthescribe/2019/07/covenant-and-law-grace-works-and-faith/ www.cwicmedia.com Come Follow Me LDS, Mormon New Testament Romans Bible