Nobody Wants Us, My Conversation with Filmmaker, Laura Seltzer-Duny.

submitted by ahmediaTV on 07/01/21 1

This video is about Noone Wants Us, In September 1940, three teenagers were trapped on a steamship in the port of Hampton Roads, Virginia. Along with 83 other exhausted refugees, they were hoping to be allowed on American soil — where millions of others in distress had safely landed before them. Times had changed and America was turning away refugees at this critical time in history. Would these families be turned away too? "Nobody Wants Us" is their story. The relevance of this documentary goes far beyond the historical significance of the Steamship Quanza. It addresses how the United States has responded to these refugees fleeing war torn Europe and encourages us to consider our reaction to refugees today. The film reinforces the concept of helping those in need when the world seems against them.

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