Green Flake Unmet Expectations The Role of Confession Doctrine and Covenants 58-59 | May 24-30 Lesson 22—May 23 “Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause” #DoctrineandCovenants #comefollowme #comefollowme2021 #realtalkcomefollowme What is the role of confession in our religion? Why is it important? As Scott would say, “Confession initiates the atoning grace we so desperately want.” If this quote intrigues you and makes you want to learn more, tune into today’s episode. Ganel-Lyn and Scott have many more thought-provoking ideas about confession, joy, tribulation, unmet expectations, and the Atonement. Invitation: Speak your truth that will keep you from hiding. Links to in-video references: Green Flake Trailer Links to Sweet Salt outfits: Dolman-Sleeve Chest-Pocket Dress