#RIPMagufuli Beloveds, Thanks for sharing but we are no longer covering the news. We recently recorded our last news broadcast and we need a detox! What next? The nature of the playing field and the raging war has changed. Therefore, we will now be bringing Spiritual Content exclusively on @Dr Mumbi LIVE PLEASE SUBSCRIBE and join us on this new journey. SUPPORT THE NEW CHANNEL 👉PATREON : www.patreon.com/drmumbishow (DAILY EXCLUSIVE CONTENT) 👉SUPPORT US on PAYPAL: www.paypal.me/DrMumbiShow We want to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us on this journey and for all those who offered up prayers of protection for our team. Lets Keep in Touch: 👉T W I T T E R: twitter.com/DrMumbiSeraki 👉FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/DrMumbi/ 👉EMAIL: drmumbi@drmumbishow.com 👉 BUY our “FREEDOM” SONG TODAY: www.amazon.co.uk/Freedom-Dr-Mumbi-Seraki/dp/B08CSM74F5