Rhythm and Body Percussion play along │ Bolero , Maurice Ravel

submitted by Loraine Ho on 03/02/21 1

Hello, everyone, March 7th is Ravel's birthday. In order to celebrate him, I specially produced Bolero's music teaching resources to everyone, hoping it will be useful to everyone. This is the rhythm and body percussion play along resource. There will be two parts of rhythm going on at the same time. If teachers like it, you can be divided into two groups of students to participate in it. Some of the rhythms have no hints of body musical instruments image. Teachers can ask students to use drums or other creative methods to distinguish them. I hope everyone will like this textbook! ! Looking to make a one-time contribution?? ► buymeacoffee:www.buymeacoffee.com/newnewchannel ►support me Ko-fi:ko-fi.com/newnewchannel%E7%89%9B%E7%89%9B%E9%A0%BB%E9%81%938419#checkoutModal ►Twitter : twitter.com/chong_fok ►Instagram: www.instagram.com/music_newnew_channel/ ►Facebook: www.facebook.com/NEWnew-Channel-105033191310054/ ►LBRY:open.lbry.com/@NEWNEWchannel:b?r=AL1nKoynzX2LNyZFsZ1AXt2Zr6XWrsWY

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