Table of Contents: 00:00 - Law & Society I 00:46 - Prehistoric Religion 03:28 - But why did religion develop among ancient peoples at all? 05:39 - 08:07 - 09:55 - Politicomorphism:Polytheism 11:19 - Ancient Mesopotamian Cultures 11:37 - Politicomorphism:Polytheism 11:39 - 12:02 - Politicomorphism:Polytheism 12:04 - Ancient Mesopotamian Cultures 13:50 - Fertile Crescent? 15:36 - Source of Life 16:07 - Fertile Crescent? 16:12 - Source of Life 18:46 - What is Sacred? The Power of Life 20:21 - 20:52 - Politicomorphism:Henotheism 21:29 - Ubaid Period of Settlement 6500 BCE-3800 BCE 22:51 - Politicomorphism:Monolatry 23:37 - Maintaining the Connection to Life and Food: 26:16 - Thus Emerge the Social Classes 27:42 - Charles Mann 1491:New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus 30:18 - #notallsocieties