"Green Lights," written by Sarah Jarosz and performed live by Sarah's trio in Berkeley, CA on June 13th 2016. "Green Lights" appears on Sarah's 2016 release, Undercurrent, which is available for purchase here: www.sarahjarosz.com/shop/undercurrent www.sarahjarosz.com Sarah Jarosz- Lead Vocals, Octive Mandolin Jedd Hughes - Harmony Vocals, Acoustic Guitar Jeff Picker - Upright Bass Video By Pint of Soul www.PintofSoul.com www.facebook.com/pintofsoul www.youtube.com/pintofsoul Directed by Dan Foldes Cameras - Matthew Washburn, Marco Antonelli & Dan Foldes Editing - Dan Foldes Audio Recording, Mixing, & Mastering - Dan Foldes Assistant - Jasmine Pritchard