This video shows you the steps to install and configure the GNS3 VM 2.2.18 using the VMware Workstation virtual machine on Ubuntu 20.10. ✅ S U B S C R I B E ► ✅ Article ► With GNS VM, you can store and run the IOS images of your Cisco Router, Switch, or Firewall devices on a single central server. At the same time, you can use IOU images with the #GNS3VM and achieve further performance gains. The requirements for installing a GNS3 VM on your #Ubuntu computer are: 1) GNS3 Network Simulator Software 2) VMware Workstation Virtualization Software After installing the GNS3 and VMware Workstation programs on your computer, you can import the GNS3 VM to the VMware virtual machine and use it. To install the GNS3 VM server: Step 1: First of all, visit the GNS3 official website and click the Download button in the VMware Workstation and Fusion section. ➦ Step 2: Since the file, you downloaded to your computer has a zip extension, open the terminal and extract the file with the unzip command. Step 3: To add the GNS3 VM.ova file to the virtual machine, open the VMware program and click Open from the File menu. Step 4: Type a new name for the virtual server and then click the Import button. Step 5: After the GNS3 VM is imported on VMware Workstation, open the GNS3 program. Step 6: After clicking on the File / Preferences option, select the GNS3 VM and then Enable the GNS3 VM option and click the OK button. Step 7: The GNS3 VM will start running in the background. Now, to add the Router IOS image to the GNS3 VM, click the New button in the IOS routers section of the Preferences window. Step 8: Watch our video tutorial to add Router IOS to the GNS3 VM and run it. ────────BEST PRODUCT FOR CISCO EXAMS────────── ALL-IN-ONE CCNA 200-301 ➦ ───────────────RELATED VIDEOS─────────────── ➊ How to Install GNS3 on Ubuntu 20.10 ➦ ➋ How to Install Ubuntu 20.10 on VMware ➦ ➌ How to Use GNS3 VM on Windows 10 ➦ ➍ How to Configure OSPF in GNS3 ➦ ➎ How to Configure EIGRP in GNS3 ➦ ───────────────FOLLOW US─────────────────── ✔ Facebook ➦ ✔ Twitter ➦ ✔ Pinterest ➦ ✔ Instagram ➦ ✔ LinkedIn ➦ ███████████████████████████████████████████