The key to paying off credit card debt is a good plan. Develop the strategy and stick to it if you carry credit card balances month to month. When you use more than one card, it's advised to pay at least the minimum on each card. Then, proceed to focusing on repaying the total balance on one credit card at a time. First, target the debt on a card with the lowest balance or that with the highest interest. When you can pay more than the minimum balance on a credit card, do it. Thus, it will take you less time to pay off that debt and you'll pay less in interest overall. Many card issuers let you transfer a balance from one credit card to another with an introductory 0% APR promotion on balance transfers. You can get up to 2 years to pay down your debt with no interest, but you are required to have good credit. Debt consolidation can be a good way to take your debt under control, but it works well if you get a lower interest rate. A home equity line of credit can be also used to pay off credit card debt. There are often closing costs, but the interest payments are usually tax-deductible.