With the outbreak of the Coronavirus and the rising global pressure to push vaccinations, the move to cashless economies and stimulus plans with digital currencies, how close really are we to the mark of the beast and is it truly an issue for the believers to worry about? Follow us on social media: Instagram: www.instagram.com/beholdisrael/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/beholdisrael/ Twitter: twitter.com/BeholdIsrael Visit our website: beholdisrael.org Public Reading of Scripture: beholdprs.org Order Amir’s new book "The Day Approaching": shop.beholdisrael.org Purchase Amir’s Book, “The Last Hour”: shop.beholdisrael.org/collections/books DVD’s & Digital Downloads: shop.beholdisrael.org Latest Middle East News: beholdisrael.org/news/ Bible Teachings: beholdisrael.org/watch-and-listen/bible-teachings/ Articles: beholdisrael.org/articles/ Teaching Around the World: beholdisrael.org/teaching-around-the-world/ Bible Experience Tours: beholdisrael.org/bible-experience-tours/ #middleeast #coronavirus #bible #bibleprophecy #israel #jesus #jew #jewish #christianity