Where in the world is Bible prophecy being taught? Find out with guest Darryl Nunnelley and Dr. David Reagan of the Lamb & Lion Ministries evangelism team as they provide their Prophetic Perspectives. RESOURCE The Basics of Bible Prophecy (Book) - bibleprophecyresources.com/shop/the-basics-of-bible-prophecy/ CONNECT Website: christinprophecy.org Blog: christinprophecyblog.org Resources: bibleprophecyresources.com Podcasts: christinprophecy.org/podcasts/ App: www.lamblion.mobi FOLLOW US Facebook: www.facebook.com/lamblionministries/ Twitter: twitter.com/christnprophecy Instagram: www.instagram.com/christinprophecy/ Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/proclaimJesus SUMMARY Where in the world is Bible prophecy being taught? For more Prophetic Perspectives, subscribe to this channel, and please visit us at christinprophecy.org/. #PropheticPerspectives #christinprophecy #bibleprophecy