To learn more about these musicians and other talented musicians across the world, visit Support Playing For Change by telling all your friends and family to join the movement at, and be sure to check out our music and videos available for purchase at Additionally, after 3 years, 31 countries, 185 musicians, and a whole lot of love, we are releasing our NEW ALBUM, PFC3 "Songs Around The World" on June 17, 2014!! - After meeting Afro Fiesta a few nights earlier in downtown Cape Town at one of their gigs, we set up a time to shoot and record some of their songs outside. We all met up and were excited to record but once Mark started testing his equipment, he realized the car battery we were using to power the gear was dead. Now what? Fortunately, the band's manager had just rolled up in his SUV, so Enzo had the idea of using the battery inside the vehicle! About 15 minutes later, we had power and were rolling. "Equal Rights" was the song they had sound checked with. We loved it so much that we asked them to perform it again-- here it is! Learn more and join the PFC movement at To browse our videos and CD/DVDs available for purchase, visit