This video shows you the installation steps of Client Hyper-V, Microsoft's free virtualization software on the Windows 10 operating system. ✅ S U B S C R I B E ► ✅ Article ► To install the #Windows10 in a virtual machine: Step 1: If you haven't installed Hyper-V on your PC before, check out the following video or article: Video: Article: Step 2: After installing the virtualization software, click the New / Virtual Machine in Actions to create a new virtual machine. Step 3: In the window that will open, configure the name and location of the machine. In addition, storing the VM on an SSD disk is very useful for performance. Step 4: Select Generation 1 for the machine and click Next. Step 5: Assign 2048MB (2GB) of RAM for Win10 from Assing Memory. Step 6: In the next window, you need to create a new virtual disk for the virtual computer. Save the location of the virtual disk in the location you specified. Step 7: In the Installation Options window, you must choose to install with a physical CD/DVD or ISO file. Select the Windows 10 ISO file here and click Next. Step 8: Finally, click Finish in the New Virtual Machine Wizard. Step 9: Now, right-click on the Win10 virtual machine, and then click Connect. Step 10: When you see that the virtual machine is off, click the Power button to start it. Step 11: And in the end, the VM will boot with the image file and the installation will begin. Step 12: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on using #HyperV! ───────────────BEST PRODUCT──────────────── ✅ Buy ► ───────────────RELATED VIDEOS─────────────── ➊ How to Install Windows XP ➦ ➋ How to Enable or Disable Hyper-V using CMD ➦ ➌ How to Enable Hyper-V using Powershell ➦ ➍ How to Install Windows 7 ➦ ➎ How to Create a Virtual Machine ➦ ───────────────FOLLOW US─────────────────── ✔ Facebook ➦ ✔ Twitter ➦ ✔ Pinterest ➦ ✔ Instagram ➦ ✔ LinkedIn ➦ ███████████████████████████████████████████