Make a website yourself. In this step-by-step tutorial we walk through everything involved in setting up a Wordpress website on your own. Wordpress has a huge market share and thus has several resources and tools available to maintain a professional looking business website. This guide will show you the basics on getting your Wordpress site set up. In this tutorial we start from scratch and make a real website for a real small business owner in Europe. The theme we use when making this website will work well for several other small business owners. This video walks through creating a website for a boat ferry service in Malta, Europe. In this guide I also stress the importance for small business owners to have a website for their business, and that they work on a global level. We cover everything from getting your own domain name, getting web hosting, installing Wordpress, installing an attractive business theme, adding pages, videos, google maps and everything involved in making a website yourself. Hopefully, by the end of this tutorial you understand the basics of managing and updating your own site. In this video I recommend HostGator for setting up your domain and getting hosting. I have been using HostGator myself for my web hosting and domain needs for the past few years and have not had any major issues with them. I would not recommend them if I was not a satisfied customer myself! :) - Best of luck getting your new site set up! If you are going to sign up with HostGator anyways I do appreciate it if you use my promo code: globalsite25 which will save you 25% rather than the default savings of 20%. I do receive a small commission when you enter this code and this allows me to continue making these video tutorials. Thank you for your support! /Case Feel free to contact me directly with any questions that may arise as you begin to build your website: For more tutorials on how to make a website check out my YouTube channel: