www.zerozerotwo.org/KUBRICK/KUBROLOGY/MAZEgate.html A Subliminal Audio Insert found in Stanley Kubrick's THE SHINING. The sound of Kubrick himself calling out the word "SHONE" (which is the past tense of the word SHINE) in a quick, barely audible report. This "report" is heard 16 times in the first third of the film. The 16 "SHONE REPORTS" are arranged strategically to label certain THEMES and to identify certain NUMBERS and NUMBER PATTERNS. This video is a partial analysis meant primarily to introduce, identify, and catalog the 16 SHONE REPORTS - and also to demonstrate that they are intelligently arranged with a purpose... that is, that they are NOT random. A more comprehensive analysis of their purpose will follow in a subsequent analysis. Analysis (and discovery) by Shawn Montgomery Music by Drysdale