2D Shapes Are Everywhere | Shape Song for Kids | Learn Shapes | Jack Hartmann

submitted by missdoylechapman on 08/26/20 1

Learn about the 2D shapes of circle,square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon and rhombus. 2 D shapes are shapes that are 2 dimensional. See examples of each shape in our environment as we sing about circle, square, triangle, hexagon and rhombus. Two dimensional shapes are all around us. Lyrics Circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon and rhombus These are some 2D shapes move and sing along Circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon and rhombus These are some 2D shapes move and sing along Circles are everywhere A tire has the shape of a circle It turns round and round A steering wheel has the shape of a circle You turn it to drive around Squares are everywhere A baseball base has the shape of a square You run fast to be safe Some traffic signs have the shape of a square You see them everyplace Triangles are everywhere A pizza slice can have the shape of a triangle It tastes so good to eat A sailboat sail can have the shape of a triangle It helps you sail the seas Rectangles are everywhere A door can have the shape of a rectangle It can open and it can close Our flag is a rectangle It waves proud wherever you go Hexagons are everywhere A honeycomb has the shape of a hexagon The bees all buzz around A nut can have the shape of a hexagon You turn it round and round Rhombuses are everywhere A kite can have the shape of a rhombus You fly it in the air A diamond can have the shape of a rhombus It sparkles everywhere Circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon and rhombus These are some 2D shapes move and sing along Circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon and rhombus These are some 2D shapes move and sing along Jack Hartmann's website: www.jackhartmann.com Remember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks: Facebook: www.facebook.com/hop2itmusic Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/jackhartmann/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/JackHartmann Twitter: twitter.com/Jack_Hartmann Google +: plus.google.com/u/0/111246828015196865180/posts You can find Jack Hartmann's Music on: Jack Hartmann Website: www.jackhartmann.com iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jack-hartmann/id391057562 Amazon Mp3: www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B00423GXF2?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Jack%20Hartmann&index=digital-music&search-type=ss Google Play: play.google.com/store/music/artist/Jack_Hartmann?id=Ax3xg7dhdt5nx4b47dnwxjnhhhy&hl=en CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JackHartmann

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