A fun vlog on five common characteristics of writers. :) RELATED LINKS: Ten Indisputable Signs That You're a Writer (blog): bit.ly/10_wr 5 Ways to Become a Better Writer: bit.ly/1hCmSmJ Are You a Writer?: bit.ly/1IGAx6c Do You Have to Write Every Day?: bit.ly/1JuQ1ud So You Want to Be a Writer? (blog): bit.ly/1PM9NlV Can You Lose the Ability to Write? (blog): bit.ly/1h8x0mj On the Romanticization of Writers (blog): bit.ly/r_WR Why I Don't Like the Term "Aspiring Writer" (blog): bit.ly/aspirew WHERE TO FIND ME: Writability (aka my blog)! avajae.blogspot.com/ Twitter (where I spend way too much time)! twitter.com/Ava_Jae tumblr (because pictures! and inspirational thingies!) avajae.tumblr.com/ Facebook (where you can like me)! www.facebook.com/AvaJae Instagram (because more pictures!) bit.ly/avagram Goodreads (where you can add my book to your TBR shelf)! bit.ly/BtR_ BEYOND THE RED pre-order links (where you can buy my book)! avajae.blogspot.com/p/books.html