Before you start earning passive income online you must watch this! Why? Well, I am sure that so far you watched so many videos online about passive income. But maybe you didn't noticed that in many videos you watched you are suggested to buy something, but you don't know why. So here is a bit different story. Here i will explain you how you can reach passive income in safe, cheap and consistent way. And on that journey i will save you a lot of money. So, before you start earning passive income online you must learn basics. You must understand which information is valuable and which one is scam. In this video i explained why i use tmd hosting service for my passive income projects. If you wan't to check offer from tmd hosting, you can do it here - If you understand what was my message in this vide, then you can easily calculate how much money you could save after this video, just on simple hosting provider. Stay tuned, and before you start earning passive income online watch my videos about passive income and make money online.