The original Jurassic Park cast returns in this new movie trailer for Jurassic World 3 - Dominion. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern) join forces with Jurassic World's Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard). Following a devastating mainland attack by a dilophosaurus, a special Dino Crisis team is created to tackle the growing disaster. Officials track down the elusive Alan Grant (Sam Neill), who calls on his old partner Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern) to help contain the catastrophe. This trailer reunites characters from the original Jurassic Park film and faces them off against series staples such as Velociraptors, Dilophaurus' and of course the T-Rex. This is a parody trailer. That means it's not real. It was created using existing footage, edited together to form a stand-alone piece of work. Fan trailers (or concept trailers) are often misunderstood. These videos are created for entertainment purposes. They allow fans a chance to reminisce, whilst also gauging interest for an actual film. This video was commissioned to the super talented editor Billy Crammer. The vision was to create a new trailer with strong throwback ties to the original film. The dilophosaurus, returning characters, footage from the first film etc. He provided a brilliant video, and I went in and edited it again to add my own touches. The trailer lists the title as Jurassic World: Origins If you enjoyed this trailer then please subscribe VJ4rawr2. Please check out some of my other work including Titanic 2: Return of Jack, Home Alone: Christmas Reunion, Forrest Gump 2, Friends: Together Again, Titanic 2: Never Let Go, Harry Potter and the Demon Child, Monsters Inc 2 and many many more. #jurassicworld #dominion #jurassicpark #lauradern