www.erichermanmusic.com/ytcds.html We got the neat Flip Boom animation program for my daughter, Becca (5), and she loves it. She wanted to make a "movie" for Daddy, so we gave her a list of things to draw and animate and she went right to work. She did get a little burned out after a while, so Mommy finished a couple of the animations (and Mommy did the backgrounds and video panning stuff), but by and large, this is Becca's work. Flip Boom is available at www.toonboom.com/kids/ The song is from my album, Snow Day!, available at the following locations: My website (CDs and MP3 albums): www.EricHermanMusic.com/cds.html CDBaby (CDs and MP3 albums): www.cdbaby.com/all/ericherman iTunes (MP3 songs and albums): phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewArtist?id=4262051&forceArtistPage=1 Kidzmusic.com (MP3s): www.kidzmusic.com/cart/show_items.asp?CatID=20&MainCatID=7 Amazon.com (CDs): www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=eric+herman&x=0&y=0 Amazon.com (MP3s): www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_dmusic?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music-track&field-keywords=eric+herman&x=0&y=0 CDs are also available at www.pokeypup.com and MP3s are also available at all other major digital distribution sites.