Everyone knows that sitting in an office chair all day long is terrible for you, which is why so many people have moved to standing work stations. Boom! Problem solved. Right? Well, not exactly. Here are some ergonomic tips for making your standing desk healthy. Want more? Check out our website at thepowerofposture.net/ We also have an app and books for children and adults, links below! iPhone app: itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-30-day-posture-makeover/id1170764419?ls=1&mt=8 Android app: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.scratchu.app.a30dayposturemakeover Posture Makeover: The Secret to Looking Great, Feeling Confident and Living Pain Free (book), 50 Easy Things That Will Actually Change Your Posture (eBook) and Posture Posey and The Slumpyback Goblins (children's book) available at thepowerofposture.net/ You can check out the standing desk used in this video here: bit.ly/MichelleJoyce