Pronoun Song from Grammaropolis - "I Got the Blues"

submitted by Mindymsmith on 10/02/13 1

Now available as a school site license! Visit for songs, books, games, quizzes, and individual student accounts! Lyrics: VERSE 1A: I got the blues; I'm a Pronoun, baby. I ain't mean nothin' without you, Noun. It's got me so down, ladies. I take the place of one or more nouns, But antecedents come before the pronoun. Oh baby! I wanna function by myself! Don't wanna need nobody's help! But nobody seems to understand me without my antecedent noun. Like when I told my baby... VERSE 1B: Yeah I went to see her. But she didn't understand, she just said... "Whom did you see?" I told her this was it. And she said what? And I said us. She didn't fuss She just said: What you talkin' 'bout, babe? And I said hey, why can't you understand anything from me. And I said I don't like those Nouns 'Cause they think they own this. And she said what? I said they think they own this town. Ah girl, it gets me down -- Why must I become an Adjective to you? Woo it makes me blue. Ooh boo hoo! CHORUS 1: Mamma always told me: Go be your own man in this wide world of words. But what can I do? Whoa Madame Noun -- I don't want to, but I need you. I'm a pronoun and I'm blue. VERSE 2A: A personal pronoun refers to a specific person or thing. Ow, let's make it personal, baby, a-skee-bop a-doo-bop a-ringading-ding! I can be subjective, babe -- and act as the subject of the sentence Like I, you, he, she -- oww! -- it, they or we. Or I can be objective -- Objectify me babe! -- I'll be the object of a verb, preposition, or infinitive phrase. Like me, you, him, her -- oww! -- it, them or us. VERSE 2B: And I admit, sometimes I'm possessive babe, yeah I'm a possessive possessive pronoun, 'cause I wanna own my love so bad. Yes I admit, Sometimes I act as a marker of ownership or possession like mine or yours or his or hers -- oww! -- and it drives me mad. And I can be demonstrative for you babe, for your love. Show you this, these, that or those -- ohhh!!! Or I can be interrogative for you babe Like who, whom, which, what, and whoaaa! CHORUS 2: Yeah though sometimes, like anyone, I'm indefinite. And sometimes I am relative. Sometimes I feel reflexive to myself. And sometimes I, myself, am intensive. But what can't I do? When I'm so in love with you. Pronouns, baby.

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