EP. 60 - John Lee Dumas Discusses How He Got Into Entrepreneurship

submitted by orvillejparker on 05/18/14 1

After graduating from Providence College, John Lee Dumas joined the US Army as an officer. John spent 13 months overseas, and sever more years serving in the United States. After getting out he was at the point of "what now". John started off in real estate, but then realised that he was not feeding his real passion in helping others though podcasts. Takeaways: "Prepare to ignite your passion!" "Life is a journey that positively consumes you." "Say to yourself,I can do this. In fact, I can do this better." "What is the #1 thing that was holding you back from becoming an Entrepreneur?." "Deep within all of us lives an Entrepreneur looking to break out and take on the world." "I have no clue where this ride will take me, but I do know that it is a journey that positively consumes me." "The only difference between those who are doing it and those who aren't doing it is that those who are doing it... are doing it!" Full Post:goo.gl/4eE7E5 More Interviews: goo.gl/UjYjT Get More Value From Us: www.catalystmlm.com Connect on Facebook: www.facebook.com/catalystmlm Connect on Twitter: twitter.com/CatalystMLM

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