What if « too much news killed the news »: today thousands of websites and thousands of blogs immediately spread the slightest rumor whether it talks about terrorist attacks, epidemic disease, conspiracy or anti-Semitism… the worst accusations, the worst excesses are now being magnified, misquoted and distorted by the Internet and its unregulated distribution of information. In these confusing times, the opinion of a militant ends up having the same value as the opinion of an expert. We now live in a world surrounded by rumor. This film dissects the dictatorship of rumors and points out the excesses of this infernal news machine. The Internet is the ideal place to spread the rumors. International rumors are globalized thanks to the Internet, a powerful tool. If the idea of disinformation is not a new thing, there was a need for costly means before it caught on. Today thanks to the Internet, any dictatorship can convey its ideas without any cost. But most rumors can be found in the alternative press, that is to say a press which is not kept under the diktat of money and political pressures, but rather an associative press made of « citizen journalists », volunteers who broke with the traditional media and now directly post their analysis of the main issues on the Internet. The financial crisis, Genetically Modified Organisms, foreign affairs and all issues related are often tackled for the worst. What is the value of their expertise? What are their sources? How do they lead their investigations? Subscribe to wocomoDOCS for more documentaries in full length: goo.gl/q5GXI6 Follow wocomo on Facebook: www.facebook.com/wocomo/ Director: Ted Anspach Duration: 50 ' Year: 2010 Producer: DOC EN STOCK / FRANCE TV / TSR