Cindy is a 1978 American musical television film that features an entirely African-American cast. Directed by William A. Graham, the film is an urbanized retelling of Cinderella. After World War II, Cindy (Woodard) has moved from the south to live in Harlem with her newly blended family. She finds herself constantly abused by her stepmother and stepsisters. Her father (Mitchell) provides some comfort but cannot prevent the abuse entirely. One night, she meets Captain Joe Prince (Davis) and is swept off her feet. Soon after, a romance ensues. - Wikipedia Shared for historical purposes. I do not own the rights. ##### Reelblack's mission is to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through Black film. If there is content shared on this platform that you feel infringes on your intellectual property, please email me at and with details and it will be promptly removed.