In this installment of The Phat Startup Show we chopped it up with our boy Ricky Yean who is the Chief Crowdbooster over at the tech company Crowdbooster. Ricky held nothing back in this chat. He discussed his upbringing in LA, which started back when he was 11 years old. Fresh off his migration from Taiwan to LA, Ricky's life would be full of obstacles, like his inability to speak the English language. From early on he knew he wanted a better life, but didn't know entrepreneurship would be in his future. He drops gems on the Lean Startup Methodology through out the conversation and really digs in deep to how he was exposed to entrepreneurship through school and a spring break trip. He talks to us about meeting his co founder, building that relationship, and his experience as a two time applicant to Y Combinator. Ricky also takes us through the learning and mind state that is needed to take on the task of an entrepreneur.