10xtalk.com/25/ In this episode of 10X Talk, Dan and Joe discuss "Stage 1 Of Genius Network®". Here's just some of the clarity and capabilities you'll develop from listening to this episode: * A behind-the-scenes look at how Genius Network® began (And the most important ingredient that helped Genius Network® grow) * Dan shares a very personal story and explains why August 15th, 1978 was the ultimate turning point in his life * Dan shares his most important piece of advice that is at the core of entrepreneurial thinking * The one biggest difference between people who make a good living and those who are ultra-wealthy in all areas of life * What Gene Simmons from the rock band KISS shared with Joe about why he loves America * A valuable strategy you can use right now to repackage your intellectual property and distribute it across powerful technologies 10xtalk.com/25/