Higghest Wind Energy Producing Countries (mWh) /1978 - 2018/ Wind Energy youtu.be/s2gjTviFVHY Global primary energy consumption grew rapidly in 2018, led by natural gas and renewables. Nevertheless, carbon emissions rose at their highest rate for seven years Global power demand grew by 3.7%, which is one of the strongest growth rates seen for 20 years, absorbing around half of the growth in primary energy. The developing world continued to drive the vast majority (81%) of this growth, led by China and India who together accounted for around two thirds of the increase in power demand. But the particularly strong growth of power demand in 2018 owed much to the US, where power demand grew by a bumper 3.7%, boosted by those weather effects. On the supply side, the growth in power generation was led by renewable energy, which grew by 14.5%, contributing around a third of the growth; followed by coal (3.0%) and natural gas (3.9%). China continued to lead the way in renewables growth, accounting for 45% of the global growth in renewable power generation, more than the entire OECD combined. Renewable energy appears to be coming of age, but to repeat a point I made last year, despite the increasing penetration of renewable power, the fuel mix in the global power system remains depressingly flat, with the shares of both non-fossil fuels (36%) and coal (38%) in 2018 unchanged from their levels 20 years ago. This persistence in the fuel mix highlights a point that the International Energy Agency (IEA) and others have stressed recently; namely that a shift towards greater electrification helps as a pathway to a lower carbon energy system only if it goes hand-in-hand with a decarbonization of the power sector. Electrification without decarbonizing power is of little use. China’s contribution to global renewables growth, more than the entire OECD combined. Wind (142 TWh) contributed more to renewable generation growth than solar (131 TWh). Wind has accounted for around 50% of renewables generation in the last few years. Higghest Wind Energy Producing Countries (mWh) 2018y. 1 China 2 United States of America 3 Germany 4 India 5 United Kingdom 6 Spain 7 Brazil 8 Canada 9 France 10 Turkey 11 Italy 12 Sweden 13 Australia 14 Denmark 15 Poland 16 Portugal 17 Mexico 18 Netherlands 19 Ireland 20 Belgium 21 South Africa 22 Japan 23 Romania 24 Greece 25 Austria 26 Finland 27 Norway 28 Morocco 29 Chile 30 Egypt 31 South Korea 32 New Zealand 33 Pakistan 34 Taiwan 35 Peru 36 Argentina 37 Croatia 38 Bulgaria 39 Philippines 40 Lithuania 41 Ukraine 42 Thailand 43 Estonia 44 Czech Republic 45 Hungary 46 Kazakhstan 47 Iran 48 Vietnam 49 Luxembourg 50 Sri Lanka 51 Russian Federation 52 Cyprus 53 Indonesia 54 Switzerland 55 Latvia 56 Belarus 57 Israel 58 North Macedonia 59 Azerbaijan 60 Ecuador 61 Colombia 62 Kuwait 63 Algeria 64 Slovenia 65 Bangladesh 66 Slovak Republic 67 Iceland 68 United Arab Emirates 69 Iraq 70 Malaysia 71 Oman 72 Qatar 73 Saudi Arabia 74 Singapore 75 Trinidad & Tobago 76 Turkmenistan 77 Uzbekistan 78 Venezuela, RB