Hypnosis for beinge and emotional eating

submitted by matthewtweedie on 12/21/19 1

This video is all about how hypnosis can help one to stop binge eating and emotional eating.   I work with so many clients in that space binge eating and assisting them to gain freedom from such compulsions, and it all makes sense if you understand the functions of your unconscious.   Now, your unconscious mind as I've said before is in charge of so much physiology, memories, emotions, behaviours and its top job is to keep you safe and to protect you.  Protection is number one, and from time to time, it gets confusing. So imagine your unconscious mind is a six or five or four years old. Now, speaking to you as a child, wouldn't it be fair to say that things get confusing at times that especially if mum or dad - ( i.e conscious mind), the conscious mind is sending mixed messages, then the deeper mind, can potentially get confused.  I'm going to cover one of the most common confusion points that seem to come up time and time again. Think about being five years old and you, you go through an adverse emotional event. When you experience a negative emotion, an event when you are blindsided or caught you off guard. Often when we are upset as kids, we got a cuddle or kiss from Mum or Dad do to make us feel better.  Outside of positive physical connectoin, they might also give us a treat. Maybe ice cream,  cake chocolate or a cookie. If you're lucky a piece of pizza, it's not sweet, but it does taste good. But, insert some yummy food here. I'll tell you something I didn't get carob when I was young; I got coco pops:)  Sugar is a common one that gets used in our society to, make you feel a little bit better, back to that song spoonful of sugar helps the ....  At that moment when we have the fattening or the carb or sugary food, it seemed as if the pain went away. There was some element of pleasure that allowed us to perceive that. And your unconscious mind is a pattern recognition system concerned with safety and protection.  The deeper mind takes a snapshot.  It is metaphorically going to the App Store or the Google Play Store, and the Samsung store and installing that app on his smartphone.  We have now installed the program inside the mind, and the code or the line of code looks something like this.  And the line of code looks something like this. Whenever I experienced a yucky feeling eating this food is how we make the pain go away.  Watch the movie to learn more about how to gain control of this program. You can learn more about this topic and more on my website: matthewtweediehypnosis.com.au

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