Tax No Tuesday Episode 35: How Long You Can Keep Business Receipts

submitted by wycotax on 11/14/19 1

Welcome to TaxNoTuesday! The end of the year is near, but are all your receipts clear? Here are the main types of documents you should hang on for at least 3 years. To make it easier we will use the acronym RECEIPTS: R-egister tapes; E-lectronic funds transferred; C-redit sales (POS system); E-mail chat history; I-nvoices; P-etty cash slips; T-ax returns; S-tatements (bank/credit card) The easiest way to keep records, is have WYCOTAX as your outsource Bookkeeper who will save you so much time so you can celebrate holidays with ease. For every IRS regulation there are limitations. Thank you for watching. Tune in every Tuesday for more tips!

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