The parish began life in 1810 when the Benedictines established a chapel on land donated by the Curwen Family. The first chapel (along with the priest's house) was built in 1813. Mass was said here until 1876. The original chapel then became Banklands church hall. In 1876, the present church was built to a design by E W Pugin. Apart from reordering the sanctuary area in 2001, it remains unaltered. Over the years much interior work has been done to beautify the church. Of particular interest are the stained glassed windows - some of the finest in the area. The parish was staffed by the Benedictine monks of Ampleforth Abbey until 2009, when it was handed over the Diocese of Lancaster. Below are a few photos of the Church. SHOP: INSTAGRAM: @_louisdavison SNAPCHAT: louiisdeee FACEBOOK: Louis Dee Vlogs