What Numbers Make 10 | Learn to Add | Kindergarten Addition Song | Math for Kids | Jack Hartmann

submitted by echeek on 11/08/19 1

What Numbers Make 10 is a fun song that teaches children what numbers add up to 10. There are examples of things that add up to 10 and what things have 10 of something. This cool addition song teaches children which two numbers add up to equal 10. We give each of the ways to make 10 showing it visually with unifix cubes. The next time we give one of the numbers to make 10 and you fill in the missing addend to make 10. We show our number in purple and the missing addend is in green for higher order learning. LYRICS: What Numbers Make 10 10 fingers, 10 toes 10 pins you know down when you bowl 10 cents makes one dime Chorus What number make 10 every time 0 +10 makes 10 1 + 9 makes 10 2 + 8 makes 10 3 + 7 makes 10 4 + 6 makes 10 5 + 5 makes 10 10 fingers, 10 toes 10 pins you know down when you bowl 10 cents makes one dime Chorus What number make 10 every time 6 + 4 makes 10 7 + 3 makes 10 8 + 2 makes 10 9 + 1 makes 10 10 + 0 makes 10 These number are friends of 10 Did you know crabs have 10 legs And there are 10 years in a decade And in football it takes 10 yards to get a first down And when a rocket ship blasts off they count down from 10 Wow, 10 is a cool number Now you answer on your own 1 + _ makes 10 2 + _ makes 10 3 + _ makes 10 4 + _ makes 10 5 + _ makes 10 6 + _ makes 10 7 + _ makes 10 8 + _ makes 10 9 + _ makes 10 10 + _ makes 10 These numbers are friends of 10 10 fingers, 10 toes 10 pins you know down when you bowl 10 cents makes one dime Chorus What number make 10 every time Jack Hartmann's website: www.jackhartmann.com Remember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks: Facebook: www.facebook.com/hop2itmusic Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/jackhartmann/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/JackHartmann Twitter: twitter.com/Jack_Hartmann Google +: plus.google.com/u/0/111246828015196865180/posts You can find Jack Hartmann's Music on: Jack Hartmann Website: www.jackhartmann.com iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jack-hartmann/id391057562 Amazon Mp3: www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B00423GXF2?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Jack%20Hartmann&index=digital-music&search-type=ss Google Play: play.google.com/store/music/artist/Jack_Hartmann?id=Ax3xg7dhdt5nx4b47dnwxjnhhhy&hl=en CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JackHartmann

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