I have learned so much from my health, wellness and weight loss journey. The results are very rewarding; however, the journey of getting here was way more important to me. I have always been goal driven and disciplined in everything I commit to do. I don't give up. It is part of my nature and personality. Here are some my tips which include; gym time, supplements, meal preparation, recipes and more. I loved how this life video turned out. Everyone asked great questions and motivated the conversation. Follow my page on Facebook Health and Wellness with Milagros and the link is www.facebook.com/wellnessbymilagros/ I have also created my Elify account to keep my links together at app.elify.com/vbc/83bv0rv9bb?t=km7j0r I hope this motivates you to challenge yourself one day at a time, one week at a time or 30 days to build your excitement about your health journey. If you feel that you messed up recover the next day. You can do it. Share your reason why you would like to be healthier.