Avon review | How to sell more as an Avon Representaive

submitted by Madamxtra on 10/07/19 1

gpt.collectingrealmoney.com/Avon/?t=ytr0kelly49 To Key to succeeding with Avon as an Avon representative is to learn how to market so that you can have the people who are interested in buying your products or joining your business find you. The next thing you need to do is be able to make big commissions so that you can afford to stay in business as an Avon representative and actually be profitable. If you don't know how to do that just visit gpt.collectingrealmoney.com/Avon/?t=ytr0kelly49 0:01 Avon review begins 0:17 what is avon? 0:40 not all avon representatives make money 1:25 how to succeed with the Avon business Avon is one of the world’s leading direct sellers of beauty products, with over $8 billion in annual revenues and over 6 million representatives worldwide. The company began as the California Perfume Company, whose founder, David McConnell, discovered that bringing his perfumes directly to his customers - mostly women - was much more effective than traditional selling methods. In 1939, Avon was renamed after the river that runs through the English Midlands. Avon sells its products through multi-level marketing. The company produces cosmetics, skincare, perfumes, jewelry, clothing, and toys. Avon products are currently sold in over 140 countries. Although the majority of Avon products are designed and intended for women, Avon also offers products for men as well as children. Those product lines, such as aftershaves, shampoos, and products intended for use by adolescents, continue to expand. Corporate Citizenship has been a part of Avon since the company’s inception. One of Avon Founder David H. McConnell’s guiding principles was: “To meet fully the obligations of corporate citizenship by contributing to the well-being of society and the environment in which it functions.” Central to Avon’s corporate citizenship is the mission to improve the lives of women globally. Since the Avon Foundation was created, more than $500 million worldwide has been donated to address breast cancer, domestic violence and emergency relief for women and families. Avon is the largest single corporate supporter in breast cancer awareness and research. Avon Representatives go by various names, including Konsultantka, Vendeuse Independante, or Revendedora, depending on the country in which they are working. Becoming an Avon representative requires a $10 start up fee and a starter kit, as well as registering with the company either by mail or online. There are no sales quotas, mandatory recruiting or mandatory monthly meetings. Avon Representatives can earn money two ways: by selling products or, through the Sales Leadership program, by selling products while recruiting others at the same time. The higher a Representative's selling cycle (“campaign”) sales are, the greater the percentage she will earn on those sales. Representatives who both sell and recruit (“Sales Leaders”) earn money based on their personal sales plus their recruits' sales, with a similar progressive earnings structure applied. www.avon.com

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