pixvid.me/getstarted The Avon US Training team welcomes you on board! Training Team member, Liz Anderson helps you get the most out of your experience with Avon and get started quickly and easily. Learn what it takes to become a successful Avon Representative with our step-by-step advice on how to use your appointment kit, creating an invitation list and building your customer base. Also, learn about special opportunities for new Representatives to receive more products by ordering the Avon 'Business Booster' or checking out our 'Just 4 You!' program. If you have questions about your next steps with Avon, take a look at the 'Get Started' flyer or join the 'Welcome to Avon Webinar' to learn more. To log on to the next Welcome to Avon Webinar visit: www.youravon.com/REPSuite/login.page Register to join Avon as a Representative now and get started with your own business: www.sellavon.com